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All error responses will have this format:

### Example (External Library Error)
    "error": {
        "code": 500
        "identifier": "ERR_GLOBAL_EXTERNAL_EXCEPTION",                    
        "message": "Something went wrong"

### Example (Bad Request)
    "error": {
        "code": 400
        "identifier": "ERR_USER_IS_DEACTIVATED",
        "message": "Error: User is deactivated"

### Example (Conflict)
    "error": {
        "code" 409
        "identifier": "ERR_USER_EMAIL_DUPLICATE",
        "message": "This email address is already in use"


The code is simply the HTTP status code returned. It is duplicated in the header, but was included here for easy access.

The identifier is a unique value for our custom exceptions. In case an exception is thrown from an external library the identifier will be 'ERR_GLOBAL_EXTERNAL_EXCEPTION'.

The message should give a more detail description of what went wrong.